In this series, we have explored the Ayurvedic concepts of individuality, harmony and awareness. Now it’s time to take a look at the consequences of daily living. Specifically, how toxins and excesses impact your natural intelligence… and what you can do about it!

As a quick review, Ayurveda understands that your natural intelligence is designed to maintain your health and wellbeing. Its capabilities are mind-boggling. For starters, your natural intelligence regulates body temperature, controls carbon dioxide levels, regenerates and replaces cells and tissues and maintains the most efficient acid/base ratios for digestion. In exchange for all of this spectacular functionality, your body needs your support. The right amount of sleep. The right types of nutritious foods. The right type of daily exercise. Your natural intelligence can’t go it alone.

But what if you cannot maintain this perfect environment? No problem, at least in the short term. You throw your body “curveballs” all the time. A late night out here and there. A periodic skipped meal. Hours at work without a break for a short-term deadline. Mother Nature throws them out, too. Seasonal changes force your body to work harder to bring equilibrium. These things are all manageable. Your natural intelligence has evolved over time to handle them.

Natural Intelligence Bocks

Unfortunately, your natural intelligence has NOT evolved to deal with everything you send its way. In particular, it starts to sputter when it is overrun with toxins and excesses. So what exactly are these toxins and excesses?

Here are a few everyday examples:

  • Environmental toxins: We live in a chemical-filled world. Exposure to contaminants we put in our air and water system are just two of many threats. Plastic containers. Synthetic clothing. Beauty products and skin creams. Cleaning solutions. Lawn fertilizers. The list goes on… and on. The products you put on your body or use in your daily life introduce a host of carcinogens, neurotoxins and endocrine-disrupters. Your natural intelligence has to combat them all, while trying to keep your system functioning optimally.
  • Our food system: Your natural intelligence did not evolve to digest highly-processed foods (white flour, white sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, etc.)—all of which are major sources of toxins and excesses. Never mind the impact of additives that mimic hormones, preservatives that blow away your gut flora or artificial flavorings that are linked to diseases like ADHD in children. As for other things across our industrial food system like excessive antibiotic use, growth hormones and genetic food modifications? The impact is unknown.
  • Crazy lifestyle: Obviously, binge drinking and sleep deprivation quickly take a toll on your body. Other things aren’t quite so obvious. The amount of food you are eating. How you are preparing it. The environment in which you eat your meals. Even the wrong type of wholesome food for your constitution. These things can all handicap your natural intelligence.
  • Health boosters: Vitamins, supplements and medications present their own class of challenges that stress your body. The long-term consequences of daily use are often unknown. Plus, it is easy to see how taking a higher dosage or potency than is needed would make your body work harder to eliminate it. What happens when it can’t remove the excess?
  • Emotional trauma: On a more subtle level, if you cannot process an experience or an emotional pain, it too will begin to compromise your natural intelligence.
  • Sensory stimulation overload: We live in a world that is “always on.” Our ears are connected to ear-buds. Our fingers are constantly typing texts. Our eyes are watching one TV serial murder case after another. Thousands of chemicals used to create clean, fresh odors bombard our noses. Each contributes to create overload on your physiology.

It’s a bit overwhelming to think about how many “curveballs” we unintentionally pitch our natural intelligence every day. No surprise—toxins and excesses can have a long-term impact on your wellbeing. They take their toll. Chronic “clogging” contributes to the body’s breakdown process, increasing the likelihood of disease process acceleration. You could even argue that toxins and excesses are the cause of most disease today.


Ayurvedically, toxins and excesses come into play when you consume “that which does not serve you” or “that which the body cannot digest.” This isn’t just on a physical plane. Emotional and mental stresses are also able to compromise your natural intelligence.

Ama is a Sanskrit term that encompasses a wide range of gook, gunk and build-up in the body. It represents anything that clogs, blocks, stinks, coats or creates drag on the body’s natural processes.

As toxins and excesses accumulate they create what is referred to as “Ama” in Ayurveda. Too commonplace in our modern life, here are a few signs of possible accumulation:

  • “Brain fog” around making decisions—what to do, what to eat, when to go to bed, etc.
  • Stickiness and coverings, such as excessive mucus, arterial plaque accumulation or the coating surrounding a cancer cell
  • Bloating and other digestive challenges
  • Body aches
  • A film on your tongue
  • Blockages
  • Low energy or a general malaise
  • A bad smell in the body, especially with waste products (urine, feces or sweat)

The real question is—how do you avoid them? It is not easy. We love our modern conveniences. Grabbing an energy drink to get you through the day. Applying an anti-aging formula. Picking up pizza for dinner. Our advice? Take a common sense approach.

Spend some time becoming aware of the toxins and excesses in your life. It may be impossible to avoid toxins and excesses altogether, but bringing more consciousness to your daily diet and lifestyle choices can make a world of difference. Then start bringing in healthy habits that will support your natural intelligence. There’s no need for radical diets or exercise programs. Slowly make changes. Phase-out soda one can at a time. Take the stairs instead of the elevator once a day. Jump on the Meatless Monday bandwagon. This movement encourages you to modify your diet just one day a week.

Easy (and Healthy) Changes

In fact, aiding your natural intelligence can be as simple as incorporating just one of the following habits and practices:

  • Sip hot water throughout the day (or at least room-temperature water… and no ice, please!)
  • Work a 20-minute session of Yoga Nidra into your day. (Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation. There are some wonderful apps available to help you easily integrate this into your busy schedule.) The results of a daily practice are spectacular!
  • Eat one freshly prepared, whole food meal daily starting with a breakfast or dinner (you probably have more control over these meals, especially if you work outside the home)
  • Set a goal. Start the day with a 30-minute walk at a pace that will enable you to just break a sweat. Pick three days a week to begin. As you see the results, let this become your daily routine.
  • Explore. For one week get to bed by 10 p.m. and wake-up when the sun rises. Do you feel differently? If so, how can you get closer to this as an every day habit?

Eliminating toxins and excesses isn’t the total answer to health, but unblocking your natural intelligence goes a long way to getting you there. Remember to be gentle and patient with yourself. Small changes add up to dramatically improve how you feel and how you view life. It’s an empowering and energizing process. You’ll see.

Ready to start now? Experiment with the first bullet on the list. Sip warm water throughout the day for three days. What subtle changes do you notice? How do you feel? Share your experience in the comments section of this post.

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