Warmer Temperatures are Just Around the Corner

The mere thought of spring is energizing. After our polar vortex winter, it’s a long time coming! And there’s just one glitch. Ayurveda cautions that you may be more vulnerable to imbalances during these seasonal transition periods.

If you’ve been following this blog, you know we’ve talked a lot about Vata—winter’s cold, drying and volatile energy. Kapha season is now upon us. As the world’s stabilizing energy, Kapha creates the container for life. Think of the moistness and stickiness you feel in springtime as rejuvenating rains and warmer weather bring life back to the landscape, and rivers and creeks swell and flow. Bulbs push up the season’s first flowers and green leaves sprout.

The same cycle takes place in your body. Just as nature becomes “unstuck” from the tight and barren grip of winter, your body seeks to “loosen up” in response to atmospheric changes. You probably feel it. Your skin may feel puffy as body tissues become more succulent. Your digestion could be a bit off. Your appetite might have dulled as your body begins to eliminate unneeded winter pounds.

Here are a few other imbalances that are common during the spring transition:

  • Colds and sinus infections
  • Allergies and heavy mucus
  • Breathing difficulties, or feeling winded from congestion
  • Scratchy throat
  • Irregular bowel movements and stool changes
  • Sluggishness or lethargy

The key to maintaining alignment during a seasonal transition is awareness. It is important to bring consciousness to your daily diet and lifestyle decisions.

Some Suggestions for Bringing Alignment

Sip Warm Water Throughout the Day

This is a remarkably easy way to prevent seasonal blockages and remove the build-up of toxins (Ama) in your body. Keep a glass of hot water at your side and take a few sips every 10 to 15 minutes. The heated water helps to hydrate you and enables the body to let go of what is not serving you.

Consider a Safe and Gentle Cleanse

At Ayureka, we do not recommend cleansing early in the year (at the height of Vata season). But as Kapha enters the picture, cleansing can have numerous health benefits if conducted in a safe and practical way. Cleansing does not have to be an expensive program or rigorous process. It is actually quite easy. Taking several days to integrate a hot water routine, coupled with eating only cooked, whole foods and getting 8 hours of sleep a night will help your body calibrate.

Change Up Your Diet

You can now scale back on the heavier, oiler, protein-rich “comfort foods” needed during the dry and depleting winter season. As your body responds to the earth’s increasingly moist and nurturing atmosphere, you may naturally desire lighter, more astringent foods. With spring comes fresh and local leafy-greens. Now is the time to eat them up! As a general Ayurvedic rule, stick to seasonal foods and you can’t go wrong.

Get Moving

Spring’s stickiness has a way of slowing things down (and keeping you on the couch). Movement of the body facilitates movement within the body. Work a brisk, 30-minute walk into your daily routine, take a fitness class or return to the gym. Just commit to getting some type of fairly vigorous exercise, daily.

Practice Deep Breathing

Kapha has a strong affinity with the lungs. Regardless of whether you’re experiencing congestion or stress, taking a few moments to focus on deep breathing throughout your day can be beneficial. It helps to expand the lungs to enable clearing.

Cook with Healthy Spices

For centuries, spices were used to help fend off unwanted bacteria and viruses. Add more spices to your springtime meals. They help you to build your immunity. Think in terms of turmeric, garlic, ginger, ajwain, pepper and cinnamon—just to name a few.

Get Ample Sleep

A healthy sleep routine is an essential component of good health during the spring seasonal change. Ayurveda always recommends going to bed by 10 p.m. and getting up before the sun. This is especially important during seasonal transitions.

Simple Shifts and Healthy Changes

In Ayurveda, your wellbeing hinges on making simple shifts and changes with seasonal ebbs and flows. It’s natural. It’s healthy. And best of all, it can be very exciting. Stay tuned for more tips, recipes and insights on how to thrive this spring.

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