Have you been looking outside this week and wondering if spring is ever going to arrive? By mid-February, a week’s worth of cold and snowy days is nearly impossible to endure. Ugh.

From an Ayurvedic standpoint, this is a tricky time of year. Vata season (winter) is still going strong, but the biological energy of Kapha (spring) is steadily increasing its dominance. What does this mean for your daily wellbeing? How could this transition impact your health?

Winter’s energy is cold and flighty. It is known to bring about irregular digestion, constipation and a lack of concentration. And as the sticky and heavy energy of spring begins to surge, imbalances can surface as productive colds or feelings of lethargy.

Although they possess very different qualities, the biological energies of winter and spring have one thing in common—they both love warmth!

Here are a few tips to help you feel healthy and in alignment:

Warmly spice your meals. Regardless of whether you are experiencing a bout of gas or a bit of lethargy, spices can be the perfect “pick-me-up.” Gently seasoning foods this time of year adds a warm, earthy note. Think about black pepper, cumin, ginger and others. Spices are the perfect complement to Mother Nature’s foods!

Focus on maintaining a daily routine. Routine builds a lovely “container” for keeping our minds calm and our nervous system soothed. (And it all hinges on a good night’s sleep.)

Eat warm, cooked foods. Whole grains are a wonderful way to nourish your tissues during the winter months. Think about integrating whole grains—such as millet, amaranth, barley or farro to name a few—into your diet. They are grounding, but not stagnating. If cooked with some ghee (also known as clarified butter), they provide a fibrous meal that will lubricate your digestive tract. This combination is great for treating constipation.

Warm up with regular exercise. Keeping your lymphatic system flowing is so important during the Vata/Kapha overlap. It helps combat sedentary spring energy that can lead to unwanted pounds and allergies.

Move over coffee…make way for a warm Ayurvedic tea. Coffee can create havoc during winter months. It is a diuretic and a known digestive system drying agent. A spicy tea, on the other hand, will provide the warmth you crave without these body stressing side effects.

Here is a starter recipe (but feel free to create your own): Start with a 1 quart stainless steel thermos and add a thin, quarter-sized ginger slice; a few black peppercorns; two or three mint leaves; 1/8 teaspoon cumin; and 1/8 teaspoon fennel. Fill with boiling water. Yum. Delicious and healthy!

Lube up. Dryness is hard to fight this time of year. A daily self-oil massage is your best friend. Remember to warm the oil before you begin!

A final thought…as you look outside over the cold and dreary landscape, think about bringing warmth and light into your life. Enjoy warm and loving friends and family as much as possible. They will keep you grounded and nourish your soul. There is no better way to brighten up a gloomy day!

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