In Ayurveda, seasonal transition periods are the perfect time to do a cleanse. We like to think of it as giving yourself a “tune-up.” It is just common sense. Think about it. To keep things in working order, you tune-up your furnace in the fall, your AC in the spring and your lawn mower in the summer. So why not your body?

Here are three compelling reasons to seasonally tune-up:

 #1:  It’s what you crave (whether you realize it or not).

Your body is hardwired to respond to seasonal change. Just as warmer temperatures and longer days find you donning shorts and flip-flops, they also drive a change in appetite and activities. The comfort-food cravings of winter give way to a hankering for lighter fare. Fresh greens. Asparagus. Snap peas. Yum! Similarly, as the days grow longer, you may notice it is a bit easier to rise in the morning. (The same [but opposite] is true as the weather turns cold in fall.)

When an imbalance is present, however, natural cravings are sometimes “blocked.” For example, a springtime energetic imbalance might find you craving a cozy couch all weekend instead of maintaining the enthusiasm to get outside and knock out your yard chores.

A seasonal tune-up is the perfect practice for bringing consciousness to what your body is already desiring. It enables you to gently pause and re-group with minor modifications. A cleanse give you a chance to listen to your body.

#2:  Baby stepping beats flying off the handle.

Remember: the road to health is a journey, not an Iron Man triathalon!

We are taught from a young age to love extreme measures. Take a look at any nightly entertainment lineup. Extreme sports…Extreme weight loss…Extreme violence. This mentality infiltrates our personal lives. I must lose 50 pounds, this month. I must go on a liquid diet, now. I must get in shape, today.

The challenge is that our bodies do not like extremes. Motivation is fabulous, but when it’s attached to an unrealistic goal or an unsustainable habit, it can pose a serious threat to your wellbeing.

Any pilot or sailor can tell you that it is a lot easier to make a course correction if you catch it early. The same is true with your wellbeing. Simple, regular changes add-up to bring about significant life shifts.

Not only is this line of thinking just plain practical, it’s far more compassionate to your being. You are able to focus on the joy you feel after losing 5 pounds, instead of ruminating over the other 45. A regular tune-up is really just “Preventative Medicine 101.”

Done regularly and correctly, a seasonal cleanse—without extreme measures—helps you determine what is working for you and what is not. It enables you to bring more consciousness to your daily diet and lifestyle decisions, so you can gently re-calibrate and align your energies. Every few months you have a chance to assess where you are and consider what daily habit or food choices might not be in your best long-term interest.

#3:  Enjoy the season to the fullest.

We all have our favorite season, right? Some of us love the heat of summer. Some of us love the cold of winter. And some of us long for the juicy, rejuvenative energy of spring. This has a lot to do with the fact that each of us has a unique constitution.

However, when this unique constitution is coupled with your daily diet and lifestyle decisions, it can also spoil the joys of any season. When you are not in alignment, spring can bring mucus, colds and allergies into your life. Summer’s heat can fuel hyperacidity, rashes and burnout. During early winter, you might notice that anxiety, constipation and body pains are on the rise.

This is the third reason to do a seasonal clean-up. Every season should be your favorite season. For most, a seasonal imbalance is simply the manifestation of poor diet and lifestyle choices. A cleanse brings consciousness to these choices. April mucus is generally the result of a heavier diet than your body can digest. Summer heartburn is probably an indication that you are “burning the candle at both ends.” Constipation in November might be a call for more sleep and less coffee.

A seasonal cleanse enables you to anticipate an imbalance and adjust before it happens.


That’s it. It is quite simple. A seasonal tune-up just makes good sense. Whether you are craving more change as the weather changes, you want to stay on a health-happy track, or you want to minimize the downside of an upcoming season, a gentle cleanse can help you. Done correctly, it enables you to bring consciousness to your daily diet and lifestyle choices to course-correct with ease.

Interested in learning more? A Seasonal Cleanse workshop is rapidly approaching!

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